Team Onboarding & Learning Plan

Create a quick ramp-up guide on both domain, technical and process knowledge for new team members. Make them aware of their purpose responsibilities in the team.


An effective team on-boarding and learning process allow a new employee to quickly acquire the necessary knowledge, skills, and behaviors required to effectively adapt to their job role within the company. It reduces new employee ramp-up time and helps them adapt to the company culture quickly.


Team onboarding and learning process doesn’t begin and end on a new employee’s first couple of days at work. It begins when you initiate the hiring process and ends when the new employee is fully settled into their role.

An employee onboarding checklist should be maintained to track the following on-boarding process(in order to stay compliant):

  • During the hiring process:
    • Be cautious about the Halo Effect (Try to give a positive first impression).
    • Make sure the candidate's experience is welcome (Start interview on time, don't cancel interviews at the last moment, offer candidates some water or coffee, etc.).
    • Proper communication throughout the hiring process and the interview setup (inform interview schedules in advance, explain the interview process and what to expect, etc.).
    • Provide a clear job description that gives the new employee a concrete list of responsibilities.
    • Ensure the employee contract is clear and concise (without ambiguity). Also, make sure you give them enough time to go through it.
  • After hiring but before the new employee's first day:
    • Prepare new employee workstations and necessary accounts.
    • Set up the new employee’s on-line accounts (company email etc.).
    • Set up necessary IT equipment for the new employee (laptop etc.).
    • Arrange for a new employee Id and other passes that are required.
  • First day of the new employee:
    • Make a new employee feel welcome.
    • Provide a welcome package for the new employee including useful items.
    • Lead the new employee on an office tour.
    • Provide access to necessary technical materials.
    • Conduct mandatory onboarding meetings for the new employee.
    • Conduct formal team onboarding meetings.
  • During your new employee’s first x months:
    • Arrange knowledge transfer sessions.
    • Identify training needs for the new employee to effectively perform the job and arrange them.
    • Evaluate the new employee’s learning through continuous evaluation.
